Ethiopia’s Unnoticed Soft Power: How Ethiopia is using Higher education as a tool to influence Somalia’s future generations.
Somali people are very sensitive and suspicios about all activities of Ethiopia. They see Ethiopia as the number one enemy of Somali people and country. The animosity towards Ethiopia did not result from previous wars only but it is the consequence of Ethiopia's constant aggression, invasion and political interferences in Somalia. Somali people feel that their country is occupied by land-locked Ethiopia and the aim of this occupation is to takeover Somalia’s territory to gain access to their sea. Every step that Ethiopia takes, no matter how good it seems, is looked with suspicious eyes and branded as ill-intended conspiracy. However, a very small number of Somali people noticed the soft power that Ethiopia has been exercising to influence Somali policies, culture and even the feeling of Somali people feeling towards it. In this short article, I will highlight one of the soft powers that Ethiopia uses as an instrument to change our views towards it and the possible out...